A Portrait a Week

Justin isn’t the type to make New Year resolutions. But, when January rolled around this year, he decided to give it a go. The goal he set was to take one portrait, of one stranger, a week.

So far, we’ve stuck to the goal - pushing ourselves to engage in conversations, to listen to strangers, and to learn about the unique patches of culture and communities that make up this big ‘ol country of ours.

We’ll spare you the cliches around how every stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet - that just isn’t true. But, through our travels, we have found that with respect and an open mind, a connection can be made with just about anyone.

Not each portrait comes with a story, nor does each story come with a portrait - but each picture we take brings us a new appreciation for the stories, viewpoints, and individuals we see.

Pittsburgh, PA. May 2018.

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