Williamsburg, Kentucky

Kathy Sullivan’s favorite holiday is Thanksgiving - it’s the only holiday where all seven of her children travel home. She’d prefer if her kids lived closer, but, “jobs being what they are…” Kathy has lived in the small town of Williamsburg, Kentucky for 56 years, and she’s seen quite a bit of change. 

“People aren’t as nice as they used to be, I hate to say it, but they aren’t.” As Kathy speaks she gestures up the road, towards a row of shuttered buildings, “they’d been in business my whole life, but not anymore.” 

Kathy unlocked the door to the abandoned post office and sighed. She’s a custodian at the courthouse and volunteered her time so we could photograph the town’s WPA mural. Boxes were piled ceiling high. An old plastic Christmas tree slouched in the corner. There was a dead bird in the entryway. 

“It would be a shame if they tear this building down. Look at these floors!” she pointed towards the marble. “I think there are grants or something we could apply to, to save this building.”

She sighed. We sighed, wished her a “Happy Thanksgiving,” and headed on our way.

(Read more about Kathy, the Historic Tax Credit program, and see the WPA Post Office mural here: http://bit.ly/WilliamsburgKY)

Williamsburg, Kentucky. November 15, 2017.

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